Why Red Watch?

I'm Paul, I'm married to an awesome girl and have two fantastic boys, Josh our eldest (he's 14) has Asperger's, an Autism Spectrum Disorder...

These days I wear a Red Watch...

Why? My Red Watch reminds me to keep moving forward, to face the challenges that everyday brings head on, to keep my chin up, to never let it get me down...

Redwatch For Autism is my blog to throw my voice in the chorus of people shouting out to make the world aware of kids who just don't fit this world...

Why Red Watch... because if I don't shout out for Josh, for the impact that Autism has on his brother and our family, then who will?

All I hope for out of this is that the world may take on a small appreciation for the challenges faced by families with kids who sit somewhere on the Autism Spectrum...

Thanks for reading, you're invited to follow along, I hope you take some inspiration and maybe help someone who just doesn't quite fit...


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